Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

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This summer, we have co-produced a number of summer trips and family fundays with 4CT Limited, Manchester City Council and the SPACE Group. These will be made available to families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) living in Manchester.

To help facilitate booking for these summer activities, our friends from 4CT have kindly set up three in-person bookings days (19, 21, 23 July) and an online booking form that will open from 25 July.

For this day, Saturday 23rd of July 2022, you can drop in at Grange Community Resource Centre (M11 3TQ) to book tickets any time between 1 to 3pm.

Here are the lists of trips and family fundays that you can choose from:

the full list of trips and family fundays co-organised by MPCF and 4CT for Summer 2022

Here are the terms and conditions for attending the above-mentioned summer activities:

terms and conditions for joining the trips and family fundays co-organised by MPCF and 4CT for Summer 2022

The form below shows the information you will need to book for any of the trips and activities:

the booking form for the trips and family fundays co-organised by MPCF and 4CT for Summer 2022

Please click the button below if you wish to download all of the images shown above in one PDF file.



We have co-produced the trips and fundays with the SPACE Group and 4CT Limited, who have been amazing partners for this and the “Explore Manchester” project.

We would also like to thank Manchester City Council’s Holiday Activity Fund (HAF) and the SEND Local Offer team for helping make all these projects possible.