Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Manchester Parent Champions

Home|Manchester Working Together Network|Manchester Parent Champions
Manchester Parent Champions2024-09-12T17:33:23+01:00

official logo of the Manchester Parent ChampionsThe Parent Champions are parents who have experienced and/or know about the range of services and support available through the Local Offer. They are well-placed to tell other parents about the Local Offer and the help and support that’s out there.

Parents who join the PC programme can do as little or as much as you like. There is an initial introductory training session available to give you a good understanding of the Local Offer. All that is asked of a Parent Champion is that you “pass it on” to other parents. Just making them aware of the Local Offer in the everyday conversations you have with other parents. There is more training and support for those that want it and each champion is linked to an IAS case worker who can give more specific advice when needed. Parent Champions can also be supported to become involved in particular areas of interest.

Website: (via the Manchester SEND Local Offer)
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X / Twitter: @championsparent

Events With Manchester Parent Champions

Posts About Manchester Parent Champions

Your Feedback: Children’s Adventure Farm Trust

Following the success of the Local Offer and Short Breaks activities last summer, Manchester City Council again reached out to parents & carers to look at what could be

Your Feedback: Winter Sensory and Activity Packs

Following the success of last summer’s Paperbag Sensory and Activity Packs project(s), Manchester City Council again reached out to us in January to look at delivering a new batch of the packs to children and young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)