Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

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Manchester is considering introducing a neuroprofiling tool and would love to hear your thoughts!

A neuroprofiling tool is a way of mapping children and young peoples differences; their strengths and needs, across domains such as communication, energy levels, sensory experiences.

Building on the experience of Portsmouth, who have been using a neuroprofiling tool for some time to help families and services think about what neurodivergent children need and how best to support them, we would like to run an event for parents, carers and professionals:

  • To introduce and explain the tool that Portsmouth uses
  • Consider what the benefits and challenges might be if Manchester were to adopt the Portsmouth tool (or a similar one)
  • Co-develop a project plan to pilot a profiling tool in the city

Any neuroprofiling tool we create would not replace a referral to the Social Communication Pathway (SCP) and any families who complete a neuroprofile with or for their child can still request an assessment. However, it would give every child who is then waiting, and their family, better access to signposting; a plan as to how reasonable adjustments can be made; a chance to prioritise what would make the biggest difference in terms of quality of life; and a structure for thinking about difference and neurodivergence and what it means.

Currently, there are nearly 2000 children awaiting assessment for neurodivergence in the city; some of whom may wait 2 years or more before they are likely to be seen and all of whom will have needs that require support in this time. A neuroprofiling tool might be one way to help meet this need.

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a laptop showing a virtual meeting and a mug on top of a wooden table | source:

Photo Credit: Chris Montgomery via

Please note that this is a virtual workshop and will be held online via either MS Teams or Zoom.

The meeting link will be sent to you after you book a place.