Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

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Join us and various SEND organisations & service providers at this month’s SEND Early Help Coffee Morning, which will be held at Powerhouse Manchester, from 10am – 12pm on Wednesday, 23 October.

It’s an excellent opportunity to chat with or learn more about:

Did you know that we have just recently published our SEND Survey? Our biannual SEND Surveys allow us to gather feedback from parent-carers about what you think of the Education, Health and Social Care provisions across the city, which is then used to help shape the SEND strategy in Manchester. Let your voice be heard! There will be an opportunity for you to answer the survey at our stall in this SEND Drop-in, or you can answer it from your own device by visiting this link: MPCF SEND Survey.

Flyer for the 2019/2020 SEND Early Help Coffee Mornings across Manchester

Click here for information about future SEND Early Help Drop-ins across Manchester or to learn more about the SEND Local Offer in Manchester.