Rodney House Outreach Service Early Years (RHOSEY) and the Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) service invite Manchester’s parents and carers to attend their annual Down Syndrome Market Place Drop-in event, where you can meet and chat with different services and support groups available in Manchester.
It’s a ‘marketplace’ of services that can offer advice and support:
- South Manchester Down Syndrome Support Group (SMDSSG)
- T21 Network
- DSWestPennine Down Syndrome family support group
- Early Years Educational Psychology
- Early Years SEND Inclusion Funding information
- Early Years SEND Process information
- Family Action
- Manchester SEND Local Offer
- Manchester Parent Carer Forum and SPACE Group
- SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
- Manchester Sensory Support Service (MSSS)
- Oral Health Team
- RHOSEY (Rodney House Outreach Service for Early Years)
- SENSITIVE parent support group
- Sure Start outreach service
- Talbot House
You can drop in at the RHOSEY building in Rodney House School (M12 4WF) any time between 9am and 12pm on this day, 14 September 2022.