Hello everyone!

I am a Clinical Psychologist who previously worked for the Clinical Service for Children with Disabilities in Manchester.

I now work independently and would like to create some training for a residential care service for children with learning disabilities and/or autism.

I am looking for a small group of parents/ carers (4-5 people) to participate in a workshop to consider what should be included in staff training. As parents and carers, I would be asking you to consider what you think is most important for services to develop and which topics you would like staff to be trained in, if they were to look after your child. The workshop will last approximately two hours and will be held during the school day. Volunteers will be paid expenses to contribute. Depending on where people are coming from, I will try to find a venue that is easy to access for everyone.

If you are interested in participating, please get in touch: michelle@kingfisherpsychology.co.uk

As this is only a small group, anyone who is not able to participate this time, but who is interested in future work, I can keep you in mind for next time.

Thank you very much!

– Michelle

Dr. Michelle Hacking from Kingfisher Psychology