This course is designed to help you become more resilient so you can learn to live with yourself and thrive. It will be delivered by Inclusive Choice Consultancy.
What’s it about?
- Understanding the importance of emotional resilience
- Reassure, no shame or embarrassment in mental health/stress
- Creative and constructive coaching methods that can help
- Inspire you to make remarkable changes in your life
- Explore any negative habits that may be blocking you from becoming stronger
- Learning to develop good new habits.
What will I gain?
- Knowing you can choose to do things differently
- A desire to focus on your strengths
- Feel more energised and empowered.
- Easy to use support tools
- Hear from fellow parent-carers about their own strategies for keeping mentally and physically well
- Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please contact us ASAP if you have any dietary requirements.
This course was made possible through Macc’s “Sharing Our Wellness” campaign.