We are happy to announce that Stuart Thompson, the founder of The S.T.I.L.L. Method, has offered us five heavily discounted tickets to their “Helping Children Overcome Anxiety” workshop, which will be held in Manchester on Saturday, 8 February.
Normally £75, with an early bird price of £47, Stuart is very generously giving 5 parent-carers a chance to enrol on the workshop for only £1.
What is The S.T.I.L.L. Method?
S.T.I.L.L. stands for Stop. Talk. Imagine. Listen. Learn.
It is a system created to help parents and practitioners support children to become anxiety-free by following a step-by-step process and learning fun techniques.
Whilst the number of families struggling with anxiety continues to increase, the advice for parents and teachers gets more confused. Words like mindfullness, CBT counselling are used, yet much of the advice is conflicting. Or hard to apply.
S.T.I.L.L is a system that is easy to follow, easy to learn and fun.
You can visit http://thestillmethod.co.uk/index.php/parents-teachers/ to learn more about the workshop.
How to Avail of the £1 Offer
Please email us your name, email address and phone number. We will then send the list of parents to the organisers, who will book you in.
We will not share your contact information to anyone else.