Between 8:30am to 4pm this day, Jill Carr from the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester team is IASM’s named person on duty who will answer calls and pass messages over to their other team members as appropriate.
You can ring Jill at 07908 260 005 or by email at for confidential, impartial advice and support in relation to SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities).
Outside of these hours there is no answer machine operating so you are advised to email and this will be picked up on the next working day.
Monday to Friday from 8.30 – 4.00 p.m when a named member of the team will be taking calls on their mobile and also checking the parent inbox.
Outside of these hours there is no answer machine operating so you are advised to email and this will be picked up on the next working day. The team member on duty will answer calls and pass messages over to other team members as appropriate.
You are advised to contact just the named person for the day as some team members are on leave and so their mobiles will not be answered. You are still able though to use their emails if you already have a case ongoing.
“If unable to get through on the helpline then leave a message and phone number to receive a call back”.
This information is accurate as of 26 March 2020. In case of changes, please visit IAS Manchester’s page on the SEND Local Offer.