This virtual drop-in is for the benefit of parents and carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) who are looking to find information and support. Share your stories and ask questions. We will try to help and signpost you to the relevant services and organisations who may be able to give you expert advice and support.
How to Join the Virtual SEND Drop-in
From 10am to 12pm on the 23rd of June, you can contact us or any of the following services, who will be on call during this time to help:
Manchester Parent Carer Forum
Email : or via our contact form
Facebook Messenger :
Public post on Facebook Event :
Zoom Chat with Fellow Parents/Carers (11am) : CLICK THIS FOR MORE INFO -
Local Offer Engagement Team
Telephone : 0161 234 1946
Email : -
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
Dr. Michelle Hacking:
Early Help Hub
Helpline: 01612 341977
IAS (Information, Advice and Support) Manchester Team
Margarette Lee-Chapman : 07734 137 410
Helpline : 0161 209 8356
Email : -
Lifted Carers Centre
Emma Gerrard : 07385 568990
Email : -
Manchester Parent Champions
Email :
Manchester Sensory Support Service (for children with hearing or vision loss)
Linda Hoburn: : 07930 259090
Email : -
One Education (Educational Psychologists)
Audrey Johnson, educational psychologists from One Education, will be doing 30-minute one-to-one sessions via Zoom:
- 10-10:30am
- 10:30-11am
- 11-11:30am
- 11:30am-12pm
Please reserve your exclusive time slot through the button below:
Rodney House Outreach Service for Early Years (RHOSEY)
Telephone : 0161 230 3675
Short Breaks Team
Jenny Horlock : 07946 395493
Helen Osei : 07866 001469
Chat with Fellow Parents and Carers
Would you like to have an informal Zoom chat with fellow SEND parents & carers?
You can join us through the form below:
We will send you the Zoom link by email upon submission.
Questions from Previous Virtual SEND Drop-ins
We have produced a Q&A blog posts based on questions asked by parents who participated past virtual drop-ins, which you can access here:
With thanks to the Local Offer team and participating services for coming together to produce the lists.
Future SEND Early Help Local Offer Drop-ins

Click here for information about future SEND Early Help Drop-ins across Manchester or to learn more about the SEND Local Offer in Manchester. Please note that, due to the coronavirus situation, we may need to replace future drop-ins with virtual sessions like this.