The book’s author, Eve Bent
Fellow parent-carer, Eve Marie Bent, recently sent us this article that she wrote, introducing her book, “No Labels Here: A Day-to-Day Guide for Parenting Children with Neurodiverse Needs“.
She will be hosting a book launch event at Boomerang Sensory Play Centre on the 8th of June. To celebrate the launch, we will be raffling off a FREE copy of Eve’s book, which she will also sign if you come to the book launch in June. Details of the launch event and how to enter the raffle is at the end of this blog post.
Why did you feel it was important to write No Labels Here?
As a mother of four children with neurodiverse needs I have experienced many of the ups and downs that other SEND parents have experienced. However, with the benefit and insight of a degree in children’s learning and development, and another in Psychology, I have a unique view into the needs of neurodiverse children and the ways we can support them – and their families.
As a neurodivergent person myself, raising other neurodivergent tiny humans, I’m acutely aware of the difficulties that can present themselves everyday – often completely out of the blue and without what seems to be rhyme or reason. So as a mother, with some experience of this world, I felt it would be useful to put some of that sage advice that’s been passed onto me; some of the trial and error (and you will see sometimes it definitely turns into more error than success!) and some of those underlying principles of psychology and child development into a book to help other parents try and navigate this often difficult journey.
Why is it called “No Labels Here”?
This answer relates to the state of the waiting lists for diagnosis in many countries across the world.
For example, in the UK, there has been a significant increase in numbers of children waiting for an autism and ADHD assessment over recent years. The rise in autism education, understanding and acceptance had led to an increase in parents seeking diagnosis for their children. This is a positive step in the understanding of our children in their younger years; however, without the infrastructure to support the numbers of children waiting for diagnosis – many children and families are living in limbo without support for significant periods of their lives.
Other neurodivergent conditions, such as dyslexia and dyscalculia, often get overlooked within education systems due to the lack of funding for testing. Because of this, many children and their parents are being left without support or guidance on how to deal with the day-to-day issues that they are facing. This often causes both children and parents to become overwhelmed and at breaking point before they have even reached the point of their first appointments.
I wanted the book to feel accessible to all; those with a diagnosis for their children but also those who are trying to navigate the systems and fight against a challenging process to get to the diagnosis stage. We are all having similar struggles and could all do with that little bit of extra support.
How can the book help with that (often) long waiting period before diagnosis?
The book flows from getting up and dressed in the mornings, through to school/nursery, evening times, eating meals, going out on trips… the dreaded bedtime(!) and the importance of looking after yourself in all of this.
The book has been written this way so you can either read the whole book in one go, or you can dip in and out of the chapters where you are currently needing advice for your children. Using a background in Child Development and Psychology, I have tried to explain the psychological reasons behind some of our children’s responses. Sometimes, understanding the reasons why our children are acting out can help us in managing the situation better.
However, as a parent of four, I have first-hand experience of these things not working and having to muddle through the best way we can. The book hopes to shine a light on the fact we are all trying to get through parenting children with neurodiverse needs the best way we can; sometimes this works and other times it doesn’t – and that’s okay. And whilst you’re waiting for that elusive diagnosis, or even if you have it, there are actual tangible suggestions to help with specific situations – often missing in the diagnosis and post support process.
I’ve tried to make the book as fun, open and honest as possible. So, throughout the book I refer to anecdotes of our own experiences with many of the topics. I hope that by sharing these, other families can feel seen and understood in their journey.
What are your main takeaways for parents supporting neurodivergent children?
My hope for “No Labels Here” is that parents can feel empowered to support their children in their needs and their diagnostic journey and feel seen, heard and respected. They are the experts on their children.
Parts of the book relate to giving guidance on practical elements of parenting in day-to-day life. It also covers the steps needed to get an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for your child (also known as IEP in some countries); and what support that can open up for your child within the education system.
One of the themes running through the book relates to finding your support system. Parenting a child with a neurodivergent profile can be a challenge. As much as we love our babies, it is often the systems that we must fight and challenge for them that can wear us down. Knowing that they need us to advocate for them is a big responsibility and oftentimes a lot to manage. That’s why “No Labels Here” discusses the importance of finding your support system; whether this be in-person or an online community. By sharing our experiences, our knowledge, our wins and our losses, we can all help each other in navigating this difficult parenting journey.
Parents are invited to share our journey further by following us on Instagram, Tiktok and threads; @neurodiversity_and_us
No Labels Here: A day-to-day guide for parenting children with neurodiverse needs is available May 21st and can be pre-ordered now from all bookstores.
To enter the raffle for a FREE copy of Eve’s book, “No Labels Here: A Day-to-Day Guide for Parenting Children with Neurodiverse Needs”, please send Eve a message with your name & mobile number, and write “Book Raffle” on the subject line.
To join the book launch (8 June 2024) at Boomerang Sensory Play Centre, please contact Eve through the email address listed in the poster below.
Fantastic practical guide for parents of autistic children. Written from real experience of parenthood and the challenges families face to support their children and themselves in society today.
Friendly, non-judgemental advice, that can be picked up, put down and revisited time again.
This book is packed full of tips and advice for parents of neurodivergent children, covering a wide range of everyday situations in detail. Written by a parent with lots of experience, the overall tone is positive and Eve offers many solutions for how to help any children, regardless of what diagnosis may eventually be given.
A brilliant, supportive book that provides practical advice & guidance to parents of children with SEND. Packed full of wonderful nuggets of parenting wisdom, Eve’s book helps you to navigate everything from difficult bedtimes to tricky meal times.
‘No Labels Here’ what an amazing inspirational guide. As a SEND parent myself it was a comforting and exhilarating read.
“Believing you can do something will actually help you do something“. I feel like I’ve gained a mountain of knowledge whether it be about choices, or clothing and not forgetting the importance of self care.
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