A Looked After Child (LAC) is someone who has been cared for by the local authority’s children’s services for more than 24 hours. Looked after children are also often referred to as children in care, a term which many children and young people prefer.
Manchester has a dedicated multi-disciplinary and multi-agency Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service for Looked After Children (CAMHS LAC) aged 0-18 years. The CAMHS LAC service provides:
– Mental health assessments and interventions for children and young people.
– Consultation and training sessions to social workers, carers, children’s homes and others in the child’s network.
– Signposting and transitions to adult mental health services, if appropriate, for young people when they reach 18.
You can also find more information and support available at Manchester City Council’s website.
There’s also more information – including legislation, policy and guidance – about children in care at NSPCC’s website.
Below are some events and articles on our website that relate to Looked After Children: