Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


According to the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT), “speech and language therapy provides treatment, support and care for children and adults who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing.

Speech and language therapists (SLTs) are allied health professionals. They work with parents, carers and other professionals, such as teachers, nurses, occupational therapists and doctors.”

Here in Manchester, Manchester Local Care Organisation‘s (MLCO) Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) team provides a citywide service offering assessment, diagnosis and appropriate management of children aged 0-16 years (or up to 19 years if a young person attends a Manchester-based Specialist Support School) who have speech, language and communication needs. This includes support for those with difficulties with social communication, feeding and swallowing, and voice.

You can find out more about the SALT service on MLCO’s website.

Below are some articles and events on our website that relate to speech and language therapy:

SEND Local Offer Drop-in (South Manchester)

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

SEND Local Offer Drop-in (Central Manchester)

Because we are running the Local Offer Drop-in for the first time in HideOut Youth Zone, Manchester City Council has kindly published a special newsletter outlining some notes about this new venue: There's info about: How to get there via public transportation Parking

SEND Local Offer Drop-in

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

SEND Local Offer Drop-in

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.The drop-ins

SEND Local Offer Drop-in

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

SEND Local Offer Drop-in

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

SEND Local Offer Drop-in

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

HAVEN Parent Workshop

HAVEN stands for "Hearing Accepting Valuing Every Neurotype" and is the result of a collaboration between various teams in the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT), One Education, and the University of Manchester. It is first going to be delivered via the Autism in

SPACE Support Group Session

SPACE (Supporting Parents And Carers Endeavour) Group aims to offer a unique support group for parents/carers of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) - a group with a difference. This week, the children's Speech and Language Therapy team will be visiting to

By |2022-11-18T10:07:04+00:00November 18th, 2022|Categories: , |Tags: , , |

SEND Local Offer Drop-in

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.