Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


HAF SEND Community Offer – Block 1 Activities and Booking Dates

Below are the inclusive summer activities that can be booked as part of "Block 1" of the HAF SEND Community Offer. These activities are open to families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) who live in the city

EHCP Template Focus Groups

As part of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Alternative Provision (SENDAP) Change Programme Partnership (CPP), we have been asked to test a national standardised Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) template by the Department for Education (DfE). To help with the testing

Coming Soon: HAF SEND Community Offer

There's loads to do for families of children/ young with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) in Manchester this summer! The HAF SEND Community Offer partnership, led by 4CT Limited, have lots of activity days, sports activities, outdoor fun, and family trips planned over

SEND Community Offer Film Club

We are pleased to announce the launch of the SEND Community Offer Film Club! As a club member, you will receive regular updates about the monthly SEND Community Offer relaxed cinema sessions, including when the poll to vote for the next film is launched

Family Tickets to Manchester Thunder Vs London Pulse Netball Match

We’ve got a FREE Family Ticket for Manchester Thunder's netball match against London Pulse this Sunday, 2nd of June, at the AO Arena. To apply for a chance to win the ticket, please complete the form below or answer it directly on SurveyMonkey. Due

Introducing Dare 2 B Different

After my son was diagnosed, I felt lost and unable to speak to anyone that understood me as a mother from the South Asian Muslim Community. I realised it was due to the lack of understanding of having a child with additional needs in

SEND Community Offer – Monthly Relaxed Cinema Sessions

Bookings for the July 2024 cinema session are now open but we will announce the chosen movie at 3pm on Wednesday, 3 July. Please book your family’s places through our Eventbrite page. In the meantime, you can vote for the movie that we will

By |2024-06-29T15:49:58+01:00April 8th, 2024|Categories: Events, Projects|Tags: , , , , |

Respite Offer from Newman Holiday Trust

Great news from Newman Holiday Trust, a voluntary run charity that provides respite for children and young people with additional needs! They have opened applications for this year's summer holiday at Stonyhurst College in Clitheroe, which will be held for a week from

What Does Autism Mean to You?

We have now opened this activity to all families of autistic children and young people, plus we extended the deadline to 9pm on Sunday, 14 April. If you are autistic yourself or you have an autistic child/ young person in the family, please feel

World Autism Acceptance Week Film Screening (for Parents)

To celebrate World Autism Acceptance Week*, we will be holding a FREE film screening session on Tuesday, 16 April, exclusively for parents/carers of autistic and neurodivergent children and young people who go to one of Manchester's Autism in Schools (AiS) schools**. We would like