This holiday season, we have again partnered with 4CT Limited to deliver the popular “Happy, Active, Healthy (HAH) SEND Packs” to families in Manchester.

It’s like the paperbag sensory and activity kits that we introduced last year – but with an Explore Manchester and health & nutrition twist!

Our aims are to keep our children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) active and entertained during the Christmas holidays – whether from the comforts of home or while out & about visiting Manchester’s many accessible destinations and Local Offer activities – as well as keeping healthy with nutritious food that you can cook at home.

A sample HAH (Happy, Active, Healthy) SEND Summer Box from MPCF, 4CT Limited and Manchester City Council

This is a representation of the HAH SEND packs from last summer. The actual pack you’ll receive for Christmas will vary.

Contents will include the following:

  • Activities and Sensory Stuff
    • Bath foam
    • Christmas card-making kit
    • Fiber optic light
    • Fidget poppers
    • Peanut gym ball
    • Sensory putty
    • Wooden Christmas tree baubles
  • Explore Manchester
    • Explore Manchester Newsletter
    • Explorer Passport
  • Healthy Eating and Nutrition

Parents or carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) in Manchester may apply, with those who receive Free School Meals (FSM) to be given priority.

To apply for a free pack, please fill in the form below. Please complete one form for each child/ young person with SEND:

We have disabled the form to allow the team to process applications during this time.


This project has been co-produced with parents & carers. We thank everyone who joined us at the design session we held last October, as well as those who gave feedback about last summer’s HAH project.

We also thank 4CT Limited for their continued involvement with these projects and for their willingness to co-produce the packs’ contents with parents.

About Our Partners

4CT Limited is a non-profit organisation that provides community-focused, community-based and community-led services in Manchester.

Their mission is to support people, neighbourhoods and communities across Greater Manchester through the development of services, partnerships and community facilities to improve opportunities and quality of life for residents.

4CT was instrumental in the planning & delivery of a number of projects we did during the pandemic, including the original Paperbag Sensory and Activity Packs, Explore Manchester, and last summer’s Happy, Active, Healthy initiative. We are again very grateful for their involvement with this new project.

You can follow 4CT on Twitter and Like them on Facebook for regular updates about the service.

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