Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

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The Early Years Social Communication Pathway (EY SCP) team would like to develop a way to evidence if this new assessment pathway is making a difference to families’ quality of life.

Parent/carer feedback is essential to this work so we want to invite you to join us at this face-to-face co-production session scheduled for the 15th of May, 10-11:30am (followed by lunch).

There will also be a virtual session on the 22nd of May (virtual).

Please see below a letter from the EY SCP team, sharing some information about the pathway and inviting parents & carers to get involved with this project.

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The image shows a flowchart describing the new Early Years Social Communication Pathway model currently being piloted in South Manchester. (as of May 2023)