Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

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Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) have been awarded the role of lead provider around Autism for Greater Manchester (GM). As part of this development, the four diagnostic teams, community learning disability team in CAMHS and the new Intensive Support Team are to be co-located with representatives from the Parent Carer Forum and the National Autistic Society in one building, currently being called the “Autism Hub”.

The hub will house the local specialist CAMHS services and also have a wider GM remit, responsible for developing and auditing standards for pre- and post-diagnostic care across the region. We also want the hub to be accessible to community groups and be a base that autistic young people and their families can use in Manchester and beyond. We are currently scoping possible buildings to house the hub and would be really interested in views of young people and their families about what space they feel would be needed.

This event is an opportunity to hear about the local transformation plans and provide input into the plans for the hub building. There is a limited budget for this project and there are realistic limits on the space we are looking for but we do want to take on board user views where possible. In particular, we can think about where in the city the hub might be and what functions we need to consider for it.

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