The Emotional Barriers to School Attendance (EBSA) guidance document is the result of a co-production between Manchester Local Authority, One Education educational psychology service, parents/carers, Health practitioners, as well as schools, colleges and provisions across Manchester.
The work has drawn heavily from recent research and learning in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Emotional Barriers to School Attendance” is a broad umbrella term used to describe a range of factors that can cause a child or young person to have a strong emotional reaction to school. It often results in prolonged absences from school. Aside from those who can’t attend school, the term also includes children who may have good attendance but struggle to fully engage and who may mask underlying difficulties in order to “fit in”.
The guidance aims to support early identification, intervention and prevention of EBSA. It has a particular focus on the evidence-based link between neurodivergence and attendance difficulties.
The main document defines EBSA, reviews the research, and gives an overview of the factors that impact on school attendance and engagement.
There are also a wealth of resources and information to support schools to improve their whole school approach to prevention of EBSA, including audit tools and suggestions for reasonable adjustments.
The Planning for Change Toolkit is a ‘hands-on’, easy-to-use tool to help staff follow the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process (also known as the graduated approach). It helps professionals to identify underlying needs relating to EBSA and to plan support.
Although aimed at schools, the document can be used by different professionals, parents/carers, and anyone who may benefit from the information and resources available.
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