This exclusive visit to the Creative Space Centre in Preston is ideal for children with complex support needs and those seeking a smaller group activity. The centre is fully accessible, with a hoist in the sensory play room and a Changing Places toilet. Refreshments will be provided during the session.
- Cinema Screening 2-4pm
- Sensory Play 4-5pm
Tickets are available free of charge for families of children and young people eligible for HAF* in Manchester. Transport to and from the centre is not provided.
* Children and young people who access Free School Meals (FSM) or those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) who live in the Manchester City Council area are eligible for Manchester’s Holiday Activity and Food programme (HAF). Please note the Terms and Conditions below before booking.
Booking Instructions:
You can book this activity by texting 07708932215 on Saturday, 14 December, between 12 noon and 6pm.
Text: SENSORY + the children’s full names, dates of birth, whether they have SEND (Yes or No), ethnicity, postcode, and house number
Sample text message for booking: SENSORY John Smith 3/5/2010, Y, British, Amy Smith 18/2/2015, N, British, M9 4XY, 23
Please follow the booking instructions carefully. Your booking may be declined if we do not receive all the correct information.
The HAF SEND Community Offer activities have been organised and developed by 4CT Limited with the funding support of Manchester City Council‘s Holiday Activity Fund (HAF) and the SEND Community Offer, and help from Manchester Parent Carer Forum, The SPACE Group and other volunteers.
Please click the button below if you wish to download the list of coach trips and other activities in one PDF file containing QR codes and booking links.