Neurodiversity in Education Logo Design Competition
We are looking for a new logo to use in communications regarding the Neurodiversity in Education (NiE) initiative that's currently running across Greater Manchester! We invite children and young people from Greater Manchester to design a logo that describes or represents the Neurodiversity in Education project, and the winning design will be used as branding for future NiE communications from schools, Parent
Assistant Autism Navigator Job Opening
Jordan @ MPCF2024-11-20T11:41:43+00:00November 20th, 2024|0 Comments
There is a new job opening in Manchester for an Assistant
Design-a-Festive-Card Contest
Jordan @ MPCF2024-11-29T01:41:32+00:00November 15th, 2024|0 Comments
This Christmas season, we are again developing a virtual card app
Greater Manchester ADHD Public Engagement Exercises
Jordan @ MPCF2024-10-30T13:34:17+00:00October 30th, 2024|0 Comments
This is a message we received from local partners in Health:
Inclusive Summer Activities with Mcr Active
Mcr Active are working with partners to deliver provision for children and young people aged 5 - 16 with Special
Review of Early Years Inclusion Pathways
Dear parents/carers, Manchester City Council is committed to continually improving services for children with SEND. The Early Years (age 0
IMPORTANT Reminder for Summer Activities
If you booked for a HAF SEND Community Offer activity online, please don't forget to fill in the Attendee
Manchester’s Early Communication Home-learning Offer (ECHO)
Baby Week is always an exciting time for us. Aside from meeting new parents and carers (as well as old
Early Years SEND Parent/Carer Survey
We would really like to hear people’s experiences of accessing childcare or early education for their child with Special
HAF SEND Community Offer – Block 3 Activities and Booking Dates
Below are the inclusive summer activities that can be booked as part of "Block 3" of the HAF SEND