Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


SENDIASS is Manchester’s Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

They have gone through a number of name changes over the years and some of us may be used to calling them Parent Partnership or IASM or simply IAS. They are now officially called IAS Manchester (IASM).

They can provide:

– Information on school admissions and appeals
– Information on school exclusion
– Information on disability discrimination
– Support meetings in relation to SEN and disability issues
– Advocacy in meetings
– Informal disagreement resolution and mediation between parents, schools and the Local Authority
– Information on formal disagreement resolution and mediation services
– Information on other avenues of support to the voluntary and community sector
– Information on Health and Social care and the SEND Local Offer
– Help to make parents’ voices heard to influence change and development of services

You can also find information about them at:

Below are some events and articles relating to Manchester’s SEND Information, Advice and Support Service:

    Information, Advice and Support Service Timetable During Lockdown

    Information, Advice and Support Manchester (IASM) has changed their timetable in light of Covid-19 developments and calls to their service. Please see below a message from the IAS team: Dear parents/carers/young people/professionals, While everyone is still in lockdown please contact us for advice/support using our

    By |2020-05-02T17:15:17+01:00May 2nd, 2020|Categories: Information Sharing|Tags: , , , , |

      IAS Manchester Working Hours (Carl)

      Between 8:30am to 4pm this day, Carl McGlone from the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester team is IASM's named person on duty who will answer calls and pass messages over to their other team members as appropriate. You can ring Carl at 07908 259

      By |2020-04-14T17:23:48+01:00May 1st, 2020|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , , |

        IAS Manchester Working Hours (Jill)

        Between 8:30am to 4pm this day, Jill Carr from the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester team is IASM's named person on duty who will answer calls and pass messages over to their other team members as appropriate. You can ring Jill at 07908 260

        By |2020-04-14T17:04:52+01:00April 30th, 2020|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , , |

          IAS Manchester Working Hours (Andy)

          Between 8:30am to 4pm this day, Andy Lomax from the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester team is IASM's named person on duty who will answer calls and pass messages over to their other team members as appropriate. You can ring Andy at 07508 032

          By |2020-04-14T17:24:17+01:00April 29th, 2020|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , , |

            IAS Manchester Working Hours (Carl)

            Between 8:30am to 4pm this day, Carl McGlone from the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester team is IASM's named person on duty who will answer calls and pass messages over to their other team members as appropriate. You can ring Carl at 07908 259

            By |2020-04-14T17:17:12+01:00April 28th, 2020|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , , |

              IAS Manchester Working Hours (Andy)

              Between 8:30am to 4pm this day, Andy Lomax from the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester team is IASM's named person on duty who will answer calls and pass messages over to their other team members as appropriate. You can ring Andy at 07508 032

              By |2020-04-14T17:22:48+01:00April 27th, 2020|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , , |

                IAS Manchester Working Hours (Carl)

                Between 8:30am to 4pm this day, Carl McGlone from the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester team is IASM's named person on duty who will answer calls and pass messages over to their other team members as appropriate. You can ring Carl at 07908 259

                By |2020-04-14T17:22:29+01:00April 24th, 2020|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , , |

                  IAS Manchester Working Hours (Jill)

                  Between 8:30am to 4pm this day, Jill Carr from the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester team is IASM's named person on duty who will answer calls and pass messages over to their other team members as appropriate. You can ring Jill at 07908 260

                  By |2020-04-14T17:02:26+01:00April 23rd, 2020|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , , |

                    IAS Manchester Working Hours (Laura)

                    Between 8:30am to 4pm this day, Laura Nardella from the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester team is IASM's named person on duty who will answer calls and pass messages over to their other team members as appropriate. You can ring Laura at 07717 340

                    By |2020-04-14T17:17:28+01:00April 22nd, 2020|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , , |

                      IAS Manchester Working Hours (Andy)

                      Between 8:30am to 4pm this day, Andy Lomax from the Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester team is IASM's named person on duty who will answer calls and pass messages over to their other team members as appropriate. You can ring Andy at 07508 032

                      By |2020-04-14T17:21:39+01:00April 21st, 2020|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , , |