Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Sleeping Beauty Panto @ St. George’s Community Centre

As part of our Christmas Holiday Activity and Food programme (HAF), we are delighted to offer a family pantomime to be performed by NWTAC at Cornerstone URC in Didsbury.

Sleeping Beauty Panto @ Cornerstone URC Didsbury

As part of our Christmas Holiday Activity and Food programme (HAF), we are delighted to offer a family pantomime to be performed by NWTAC at Cornerstone URC in Didsbury.

Sleeping Beauty Panto @ Cornerstone URC Didsbury

As part of our Christmas Holiday Activity and Food programme (HAF), we are delighted to offer a family pantomime to be performed by NWTAC at Cornerstone URC in Didsbury.