Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


    Flu Jab + Routine Health Check for Carers

    On this day, 9 November, Well Pharmacy will be visiting us and Martenscroft Sure Start Centre with their "mobile health clinics", which will offer free flu jabs and routine services such as blood pressure checks to parent-carers* of people with Special Educational Needs and/or

    By |2022-10-19T17:32:35+01:00November 9th, 2022|Categories: |Tags: , , , , |

      SEND-Friendly Vaccination Clinic for Children Aged 5-17

      Manchester Health and Care Commissioning has set up an accessible COVID-19 vaccination clinic for children and young people aged 5 to 17 who are at serious clinical risk* from the complications of the virus. Accommodations that they will be providing include: Health play specialists

        Parent/ Carer Q&A – COVID Vaccination in Special Schools

        You might be aware that COVID-19 vaccinations for those aged 12 and up have started rolling out since the end of last year. This Questions and Answer (Q&A) session is for parents and carers of children/ young people age 12-17 who attend specialist support

        By |2022-02-11T17:12:50+00:00February 15th, 2022|Categories: , , |Tags: , , , |

          Vaccination of 12-15 Year Olds (Specific SEND Cohort)

          We have been informed by Manchester Health and Care Commissioning that Manchester is now vaccinating the 12 -15 year old specific cohort below as per the JVCI guidance: Those with severe neuro-disability and/or neuromuscular conditions that compromise respiratory function are eligible for a vaccine. This