Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

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This session is aimed at parents/carers of children and young people in PRIMARY School.

It will be delivered by a One Education Educational Psychologist in conjunction with SENDIASS and Manchester Parent Carer Forum.

This session will include:

  • What are Special Educational Needs (SEN) and how can they be met in school?
  • What are schools and Further Education settings required to provide?
  • How can you ensure your child’s needs are being met?
  • What is available in Manchester to children and families?
  • Who can provide advice and support?

There will be opportunities for questions and discussion.

The photo shows the Manchester SENDIASS, MPCF, and One Education logos, from left to right, respectively.

Biscuits, tea and coffee will be provided. However, lunch isn’t provided so please make sure to bring your own food for the lunch break.

If you need an interpreter to access the session, please email with at least a week’s notice before the session. Each session can only cater for one interpreter so please contact the SCP team ASAP if you require one.

Any queries about this session can be directed to:

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Important Notes:

Booking is essential. This is a parent-only session so please do not bring children to the workshop.

As a post-diagnostic workshop, this session is offered to parents and carers of children or young people who have received a formal diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT).

This can be from any of the three Social Communication Pathway (SCP) teams – South Manchester (Carol Kendrick Centre), Central Manchester (The Powerhouse/ Winnicott Centre), and North Manchester (The Powerhouse/The Bridge).

The photo shows the CAMHS Community, CAMHS, and MFT logos, from left to right, respectively.

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