Today, we received the following letter from Amanda Corcoran, Manchester City Council’s Director of Education, thanking all parents and carers who got involved during a Local Area SEND Inspection in November. It is a message for everyone who gave feedback to the inspectors, whether through the parent/carer survey that Ofsted & the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published or through the various focus groups and meetings that were held during the week of the inspection.
Dear All,
Thank you for supporting our recent local area SEND Inspection by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Your attendance at the focus groups and at meetings in schools and colleges ensured that the inspectors were able to hear directly from parents and carers and young people about their lived experience.
In addition there was a great response to the parent carer survey and we know this was as a result of both the MPCF and the Parent Champions promoting and encouraging other parents to participate. We would also like to pass on our thanks to every parent carer who took the time to complete the survey and share your views.
We will receive a letter from Ofsted CQC outlining their findings in the new year. We will share that with you as soon as we receive it.
Best wishes
Amanda Corcoran
Director of EducationManchester City Council
PO Box 532, Manchester, M60 2LA
As mentioned in the letter, Ofsted’s and CQC’s findings are not publicly available yet; however, we will be sharing them to you once they are published. We do know that the inspectors were impressed with the level of parent/carer involvement we had during the inspection, which we are proud of and are extremely grateful for.
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