Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Change Programme Engagement Event

As we’ve shared previously, Manchester has been chosen by the Department for Education to lead the North West Change Programme Partnership. We want Manchester parents, carers and families to be fully involved in this work. Your ideas and feedback are at the heart of

Supported Internship “Parent Talk” Steering Group

DFN Project Search is building our parent/carer network group from past, present and future parents and carers of Interns. The "Parent Talk" steering group aims to build a strong support group, with the view of action. More people need to know about Supported Internships and

National Supported Internship Day 2024

Manchester City Council is hosting an event on MS Teams to mark #NSID2024 (National Supported Internship Day) and celebrate Supported Internships in Manchester. Please join us between 2pm and 3pm to hear all things internships from colleges, employers and young people. P.S. If your

Post-16 Education – What’s Important to You and Your Young Person?

We recently hosted two focus group sessions for Manchester City Council's post-16 commissioning team to listen to the views of parents and carers around post-16 education and training, including their journey beyond college: Preparing for Adulthood. We are very grateful to all the parents

Transitions (Preparing for Adulthood) Q&A

We are aware that many parents and carers have questions or concerns about the support that their children will get once they get to adulthood. This Question-and-Answer (Q&A) session is an opportunity for parents and carers to ask questions about Preparing for Adulthood and

Digital Independent Specialist College (DISC) – Supported Internship Opportunity

Digital Advantage, who for the past few years have been delivering their Digital Inc. programme to young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), recently shared with us information about their Digital Independent Specialist College's (DISC) full and part-time supported internship offer. The