Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


SENDIASS is Manchester’s Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

They have gone through a number of name changes over the years and some of us may be used to calling them Parent Partnership or IASM or simply IAS. They are now officially called IAS Manchester (IASM).

They can provide:

– Information on school admissions and appeals
– Information on school exclusion
– Information on disability discrimination
– Support meetings in relation to SEN and disability issues
– Advocacy in meetings
– Informal disagreement resolution and mediation between parents, schools and the Local Authority
– Information on formal disagreement resolution and mediation services
– Information on other avenues of support to the voluntary and community sector
– Information on Health and Social care and the SEND Local Offer
– Help to make parents’ voices heard to influence change and development of services

You can also find information about them at:

Below are some events and articles relating to Manchester’s SEND Information, Advice and Support Service:

SEND Local Offer Drop-in (South Manchester)

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Workshop for Parents/Carers (Secondary)

This workshop aims to impart parents with information about what to consider and the support available for their child's Education.

SEND Local Offer Drop-in (Central Manchester)

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Workshop for Parents/Carers (Primary)

This workshop aims to impart parents with information about what to consider and the support available for their child's Education.

SEND Local Offer Drop-in (North Manchester)

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

Autism in Schools and Co-production

It's been a month since this year's National Co-production Week so we thought we'd take this opportunity to finally publish the well-articulated blog that Julie Hicklin, Manchester's SEND Lead, wrote about the Autism in Schools project. (Apologies for the delay!) Here it goes: Autism

SEND Local Offer Drop-in (Central Manchester)

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

Autism in Schools ‘Marketplace’ and Workshops

This event is now open to all parents and carers of neurodivergent children or young who live in the city of Manchester or go to a Manchester-based school. :) This event is for parents/carers of autistic children and young people - and the

SEND Local Offer Drop-in (South Manchester)

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

SEND Local Offer Drop-in (Central Manchester)

Because we are running the Local Offer Drop-in for the first time in HideOut Youth Zone, Manchester City Council has kindly published a special newsletter outlining some notes about this new venue: There's info about: How to get there via public transportation Parking