Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


SPACE (Supporting Parents And Carers Endeavour) Group is a parent-led group that aims to offer unique support sessions for parents/carers of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) – a group with a difference.

Sessions are normally held at St George’s Community Centre, 11am-1pm on a Friday (fornightly during term-time).

Below are some articles and events that relate to SPACE Group:

SEND Local Offer Drop-in

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

SEND Local Offer Drop-in (Central Manchester)

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.

SEND Local Offer Drop-in (South Manchester)

The SEND Local Offer Drop-ins are a great way for parents & carers of children or young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) to find relevant information and support. Friendly and informal, please feel free to share your stories and ask questions.This month's

Parent/Carer Survey for HAF SEND Community Offer – Summer 2024

Over the past few months, 4CT Limited, Manchester Parent Carer Forum and The SPACE Group have worked collaboratively to design and deliver a range of holiday activities last summer within the eligibility and monitoring requirements of the HAF (Holiday Activities and Food programme) and with

By |2024-09-07T13:41:01+01:00September 7th, 2024|Categories: Parent-Carer Feedback, Projects|Tags: , , , |