Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


How to Get Involved with the Local Area SEND Inspection

Ofsted and Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors will be coming to Manchester next week to assess how effective our local area is at identifying and meeting the needs of children & young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). The inspection will

Letter from Manchester City Council Re: Local Area SEND Inspection

Today, we received the following letter from Manchester City Council, where they give an overview of what happens during a Local Area SEND Inspection and ask parents & carers to take part in a survey that Ofsted & the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published as

Vaccination of 12-15 Year Olds (Specific SEND Cohort)

We have been informed by Manchester Health and Care Commissioning that Manchester is now vaccinating the 12 -15 year old specific cohort below as per the JVCI guidance: Those with severe neuro-disability and/or neuromuscular conditions that compromise respiratory function are eligible for a vaccine. This

Local Area SEND Interim Visit

Back in March, Manchester was 'visited' by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for what is called a local area SEND interim visit. As part of their visit, inspectors met with local area leaders from Education, Health, Social Care, and parent/carer organisations such as

Review of Social Communication Pathway Diagnostic Reports

Manchester's Autism Board are reviewing how they write their diagnostic reports for the Social Communication Pathway (SCP) and are looking for parents to join the panel that looks into what the reports should look like. The panel's meeting will be on 11th March, 9:30-11am,

Review of Social Communication Pathway Diagnostic Reports

We are looking for parents/carers to join a panel that will review how diagnostic reports for the Social Communication Pathway (SCP) are written. The panel's meeting will be on 11th March, 9:30-11am, and we would like to invite 2 parents/carers to join the forum in

SEND Health Hub – Parent/Carer Workshop

The SEND Health Hub is a new service for children & young people who attend a special school in Manchester. Set up in response to COVID-19, the Hub is a team of therapists and nurses from different professions who aim to provide advice &

SEND JSNA Interactive Session with Parents/Carers

Manchester City Council is updating our city's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). According to NHS guidance, the JSNA is "a systematic method for reviewing the health and wellbeing needs of a population, leading to agreed commissioning priorities that

By |2020-09-10T12:49:53+01:00September 17th, 2020|Categories: , |Tags: , , , |

Children’s Community Health Services During Covid-19

Please see below an email from Michael Hargreaves, the Transformation Programme Manager for the Children’s Community Health Service in Manchester. He summarised the current position with regards to Children’s Community Health Service provision during the ongoing pandemic. In line with the Department of Health guidance

Co-production with Children’s Community Health Services

We recently invited various partners from Manchester's Education, Health and Care services to reflect and share with us how co-production has helped them deliver SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities) provision to our families. Below is a message from Laila Baig (Head of Service Children