Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


The SEND Local Offer contains information about services, activities, events and general knowledge that are relevant to families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) in Manchester.

More than just a website, Manchester’s Local Offer also includes social media, newsletters, drop-ins, and the organisations & support groups that help spread vital information to families.

The Local Offer Newsletter, for example, is a fantastic source of timely information about SEND, both in Manchester and nationally. You can view previous editions of the newsletter on this page.

Below are blog posts and events relating to the SEND Local Offer newsletter.

HAF SEND Community Offer – Block 3 Activities and Booking Dates

Below are the inclusive summer activities that can be booked as part of "Block 3" of the HAF SEND Community Offer. These activities are open to families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) who live in the city

HAF SEND Community Offer – Block 2 Activities and Booking Dates

Below are the inclusive summer activities that can be booked as part of "Block 2" of the HAF SEND Community Offer. These activities are open to families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) who live in the city

HAF SEND Community Offer – Block 1 Activities and Booking Dates

Below are the inclusive summer activities that can be booked as part of "Block 1" of the HAF SEND Community Offer. These activities are open to families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) who live in the city

Coming Soon: HAF SEND Community Offer

There's loads to do for families of children/ young with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) in Manchester this summer! The HAF SEND Community Offer partnership, led by 4CT Limited, have lots of activity days, sports activities, outdoor fun, and family trips planned over

Family Tickets to Manchester Thunder Vs London Pulse Netball Match

We’ve got a FREE Family Ticket for Manchester Thunder's netball match against London Pulse this Sunday, 2nd of June, at the AO Arena. To apply for a chance to win the ticket, please complete the form below or answer it directly on SurveyMonkey. Due

Manchester has joined the NW Change Programme Partnership!

In the latest SEND Local Offer newsletter, Manchester City Council announced that Manchester has been chosen by the Department for Education to lead the North West Change Programme Partnership. The government realised that the system for helping children and young people with special educational needs

Easter Activities for SEND Families

With the Easter holidays fully under way, many families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) will be hard-pressed to find activities that suit their children's individual needs, let alone that of the whole family. Luckily, we have a robust

You’ve got this! Ideas for the Summer Holidays

Just like that, it's the summer holidays again! 🌞⛱ Many of us may have been looking forward to this - a time when we don't have to go through the morning rush, the afternoon school run, the evening homework. Best of all, it's a time