Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


The Social Communication Pathway (SCP) is the local autism assessment service in Manchester. The SCP team is a multi-agency team which assesses social communication difficulties in children and young people living in Manchester. If a young person or their family thinks they might be autistic, this team will make an assessment to see if they meet the criteria for a diagnosis of Autism.

You can read more about the SCP on the University of Manchester NHS Foundation Trust’s (MFT) website.

There is also a new Social Communication Pathway for Early Years children (i.e., those aged 5 years or younger) that was piloted in South Manchester in 2022-2024. You can read about that here:
The Early Years SCP pilot has shown a number of positive outcomes so we are hoping that it will get implemented across Manchester someday.

Below are some articles and events on our website that are related to the SCP:

Autism and Well-being Post-Diagnostic Workshop

This session discusses information around Autism, Mental Health and Well-being delivered by Clinical Psychologists and Mental Health Practitioners.

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Post-Diagnostic Workshop (Secondary)

This workshop provides parents with information about the educational and support needs of autistic children and young people.

Autism and Communication Post-Diagnostic Workshop

This workshop aims to impart parents with language and communication strategies to use with their children/ young people.

Autism and Sensory Differences Post-Diagnostic Workshop

This workshop aims to impart parents and carers with information about sensory differences amongst neurodiverse people.

Autism and Well-being Post-Diagnostic Workshop

This workshop aims to impart parents and carers with information about autism and what it could mean for your child/family + what support is available.

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Workshop for Parents/Carers (Primary)

This workshop provides parents with information about the educational and support needs of autistic children.

SCP Communication Workshop for Parents/Carers (Primary)

This workshop aims to impart parents with language and communication strategies to use with their children.

SCP Sensory Workshop for Parents/Carers (Primary)

This workshop aims to impart parents and carers with information about autism and what it could mean for your child/family + what support is available.

SCP Autism and Well-being Post-Diagnostic Workshop for Parents/Carers (Primary)

This workshop aims to impart parents and carers with information about autism and what it could mean for your child/family + what support is available.

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Workshop for Parents/Carers (Secondary)

This workshop provides parents with information about the educational and support needs of autistic children and young people.