Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Autism and Education – Post-Diagnostic Groups for Parents/Carers

Educational Psychologists from One Education in Manchester are running free half-day training sessions for parents/carers whose children have received an autism diagnosis from one of the following centres over the last two years. The Powerhouse - North and Central Manchester Social Communication Pathway (SCP) The

Co-producing “Ordinarily Available Provision” in Primary Schools

Do you have a child with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) living in or who goes to a primary school in Manchester? Would you like to get involved in co-producing a document that helps ensure relevant and appropriate support is given to primary

Autism and Education – Online Post-Diagnostic Groups for Parents/Carers (Secondary)

Educational Psychologists from One Education in Manchester are running free live online half-day training sessions for parents/carers whose children have received an autism diagnosis from one of the following centres over the last two years. The centres are known by the initials SCP. They

Autism and Education – Online Post-Diagnostic Groups for Parents/Carers (Early Years and Primary)

Educational Psychologists from One Education in Manchester are running free live online half-day training sessions for parents/carers whose children have received an autism diagnosis from one of the following centres over the last two years. The centres are known by the initials SCP. They

“About Me” Person-Centred Profile Training

Dear parents and carers, On behalf of Manchester's About Me Project Group (a collaborative made up of parents/carers and representatives from Education, Health and Social Care services), we would like to invite you to attend the "About Me" training sessions happening next month. We

Autism and Education – Online Post-Diagnostic Groups for Parents/Carers (Secondary)

Educational Psychologists from One Education in Manchester are running free live online half-day training sessions for parents/carers whose children have received an autism diagnosis from one of the following centres over the last two years. The centres are known by the initials SCP. They

“About Me” Person-Centred Profile Training

Dear parents and carers, On behalf of Manchester's About Me Project Group (a collaborative made up of parents/carers and representatives from Education, Health and Social Care services), we would like to invite you to attend the "About Me" training sessions happening next month. We