Understanding and Working with the Education System (North Manchester): Aimed at parents/carers of SECONDARY + aged young people
This session is delivered by Educational Psychologists and provides all information related to SEN and School.
This session is delivered by Educational Psychologists and provides all information related to SEN and School.
This session is delivered by Educational Psychologists and provides all information related to SEN and School.
This webinar will cover: What is Alternative Provision (AP)? Who provides Alternative Provision for our children and young people? Why might a child or young person attend Alternative Provision? What's happening in Manchester around Alternative Provision and the SEND and AP Improvement Plan or
The Emotional Barriers to School Attendance (EBSA) guidance document is the result of a co-production between Manchester Local Authority, One Education educational psychology service, parents/carers, Health practitioners, as well as schools, colleges and provisions across Manchester.The work has drawn heavily from recent research and learning
This session is delivered by Educational Psychologists and provides all information related to SEN and School.
This session is delivered by Educational Psychologists and provides all information related to SEN and School.
This session is delivered by Educational Psychologists and provides all information related to SEN and School.
We recently hosted two parent workshops together with One Education. Entitled "Exploring Types of School and Support for Children with SEND", we discussed the different types of school and education support available to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
This workshop provides parents with information about the educational and support needs of autistic children and young people.
This workshop aims to explain the different types of school and education support available to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) in Manchester. This will include mainstream (including schools with resource provisions) and specialist schools. We aim to allow