Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Manchester SEND Survey 2024

We have just published this year's SEND Survey, with the aim of getting parents' and carers' views on how Manchester City Council, Manchester Local Care Organisation (MLCO), Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT), and other providers/settings across Education, Health, and Social Care have performed

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Post-Diagnostic Workshop (Primary)

This session is delivered by Educational Psychologists and provides all information related to SEN and School.

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Post-Diagnostic Workshop (Secondary)

This session is delivered by Educational Psychologists and provides all information related to SEN and School.

Transition to Secondary School Workshop for Parents/Carers

Moving from primary school to high school is an important life event and can be a positive and exciting time. Yet some children require additional support. Children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) often find transition more challenging than their

By |2024-05-22T20:31:42+01:00June 13th, 2024|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , |

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Post-Diagnostic Workshop (Primary)

This session is delivered by Educational Psychologists and provides all information related to SEN and School.

Transition to Secondary School Workshop for Parents/Carers

Moving from primary school to high school is an important life event and can be a positive and exciting time. Yet some children require additional support. Children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) often find transition more challenging than their

By |2024-04-25T16:25:52+01:00May 21st, 2024|Categories: , |Tags: , , , , |

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Post-Diagnostic Workshop (Secondary)

This workshop provides parents with information about the educational and support needs of autistic children and young people.

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Workshop for Parents/Carers (Primary)

This workshop provides parents with information about the educational and support needs of autistic children.

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Workshop for Parents/Carers (Secondary)

This workshop provides parents with information about the educational and support needs of autistic children and young people.

Understanding and Working with the Education System: Workshop for Parents/Carers (Primary)

This workshop provides parents with information about the educational and support needs of autistic children.