Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Below are some articles and events that we have posted about or on behalf of other individuals, organisations, services, or support groups.

Some of these information are shared on behalf of Manchester’s SEND Local Offer. The Local Offer is a fantastic source of information for families of children and young people with SEND in Manchester. Please visit to learn more.

TfGM Travel Guidance and Face Covering Exemption Card

We recently shared with you guidance from Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) about the rules on wearing face covering on public transport across Greater Manchester (and throughout the country), including information about exemptions. We are pleased to have received today an announcement from TfGM that

Manchester’s Ordinarily Available Provision for Early Years

It's our pleasure to share with you the final draft of Manchester's Ordinarily Available Provision for Early Years document, which describes the support, strategies and activities that are available in early years settings to young children with additional needs, without the need for a formal

Back to School Resources for Autistic Students, Their Parents and Schools/Colleges

At the start of June, Manchester produced a "back to school" pack that staff from Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy and the Clinical Service for Children with Disabilities have put together as a multi-agency project. It includes a pack for parents, booklets for younger

Q&A from the May Virtual Local Offer Drop-in

We asked participating organisations/teams in last month's Virtual SEND Local Offer Drop-in to collate questions that parents asked them so we can share the information to more parents & carers. Below are the questions that parents asked at the May SEND Drop-in (click or

Tablets for Socially Excluded (via Manchester City Council)

We have been informed by Manchester City Council's Adult Social Care team that there is the possibility that the city council will be able to help families have access to a tablet and internet. Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for a device residents have to

IASM Guidance on Temporary Legislative Changes to EHC Needs Assessments and Plans

Earlier this month, we wrote about the temporary changes to education, health and care legislation during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Source: In that article, we shared info and commentary from Contact and from the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF), as

Paid Involvement Opportunity for Parents and Carers

We have recently been approached by the Helix Centre, who are looking for family members with lived experience of caring for a child with a life-limiting condition to test two mobile apps designed to support parents, family members and other carers to help other families.

By |2020-05-16T17:31:20+01:00May 16th, 2020|Categories: Information Sharing|Tags: , , |

“Creative Take Aways” for Neurodivergent Young People

We have recently been contacted by Starling, a charity that uses creativity and the arts to amplify the lived experience of neurodivergent young people, to bring good news about their "Creative Take Aways" project. The project, which makes free Creative Wellbeing Packs and access to

Q&A from the April Virtual Local Offer Drop-in

We asked participating organisations/teams in last month's Virtual SEND Local Offer Drop-in to collate questions that parents asked them so we can share the information to more parents & carers.Below are the questions that parents asked at the April SEND Drop-in (click or tap a