Together achieving better decisions and brighter futures for Manchester families of children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Below are some articles and events that we have posted about or on behalf of other individuals, organisations, services, or support groups.

Some of these information are shared on behalf of Manchester’s SEND Local Offer. The Local Offer is a fantastic source of information for families of children and young people with SEND in Manchester. Please visit to learn more.

Our Top 5 Picks from Manchester Local Offer’s “FAB STUFF TO DO SUMMER 2019”

Manchester City Council recently published in the SEND Local Offer their "FAB STUFF TO DO SUMMER 2019", which shows a number of exciting disability-friendly activities and events happening in & around Greater Manchester over the summer holidays. It is a fantastic resource, with details of

Learn More About the New Autism Assessment Pathway

In July of last year, we blogged about the new "autism pathway" that was scheduled to be piloted in South Manchester later in the year. The project has since been launched and the "autism steering group" would like to invite parents to attend a meeting

Info Sharing: Free Information Sessions for Parent-Carers

Contact and Rodney House Outreach for Early Years (RHOSEY) would like to invite parents and carers of children aged 0–7 who have additional needs or a disability to book onto the following welcoming, relaxed and informative sessions: Session 1: Tuesday 7th May 2019: Information and

By |2019-04-28T14:58:10+01:00April 28th, 2019|Categories: Information Sharing|Tags: , , , , |

Upcoming Creative Opportunities for Children with SEND

This coming weekend is cram-packed with a plethora of fun, inclusive and truly creative activities for children of all ages in Manchester. Whether your child loves dancing, music or art – we have for you here a list of different events, happening across the city,

A note from the People’s History Museum (PHM): what we have learnt from our families

Following PHM's SEND-friendly Family Day last January - an initiative co-produced with Manchester Parent Champions and attended by a number of SEND families, including some MPCF members - we invited Liz Thorpe, People's History Museum's Learning Officer, to write about the day. Here is her

SEND-Friendly Events for Spring Half-term

Half-term can sometimes be a tricky time for all parents, much more for parent-carers of children and young people (CYP) with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). Aside from it being a break from the routine that very much helps our children (specially those with

Info Sharing: People’s History Museum’s SEND-Friendly Family Day

On Sunday, the 27th of January, the People's History Museum would like to invite families to their SEND-friendly family day, which is free and is suitable for people aged 5 and up. This is an opportunity to trial PHM's new session ideas and family spaces,

By |2019-01-25T19:32:28+00:00January 25th, 2019|Categories: Information Sharing|Tags: , |